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Contraindications to Hair Extensions: Are There Any?

Do you like long hair but, at the same time, don't have the patience to grow your natural hair out? This situation can always be fixed with extensions. However, is this procedure really safe for your hair?

So, when is hair extension contraindicated? Below we have collected seven of the most typical cases.
7 Red Flags for Getting Hair Extensions:

Damage to the scalp

If your scalp has unhealed wounds, fresh stitches, scratches, and other damage, hair extensions, regardless of the method chosen, can only make things worse. We are talking about both the extension procedure itself, which involves prolonged contact with the root zone, and the prolonged wearing of additional strands, which, due to the weighting of your native hair, can significantly delay the healing process.

Irritable scalp

If your scalp is prone to allergic reactions, irritation, or flaking (as is the case with seborrheic dermatitis), building additional strands can trigger a relapse. Moreover, if you are used to using oil-based products for symptomatic relief, hair extensions can make their application impossible.

High intracranial pressure and migraines

If you often experience weakness and severe headaches, you need to think twice before resorting to hair extensions. The fact is that in the first days after performing this procedure, the attachment of new strands will be very tight to the scalp, which can provoke an additional increase in pressure and, as a result, significantly worsen your well-being. In addition, these attachments can put pressure on the scalp during sleep, which can also make you feel bad.

Psychoneurological disorders

Each psychoneurological disorder has a number of contraindications, and many of them imply some kind of invasive and resource-intensive beauty procedures, which also include hair extensions. Moreover, the constant presence of weighting foreign objects on the head that you cannot remove with your own hands can provoke a relapse of your disorder.

Regular visits to chlorinated water tanks and saunas

Are you accustomed to regularly visiting the pool? After the hair extension procedure, you will have to give up at least diving since the effect of chlorinated water on the attachment of new strands may be negative. In turn, a rubber cap will not be an alternative as its tight fit to the scalp will also be destructive to them. The same rule applies to saunas, baths, and other places with high air temperatures.
Initially weak, dry, and thinning native hair
If you have weak, damaged native hair, extensions can only make them worse because of their weight. In this case, your native hair may lose even more quality or begin to fall out. Perhaps your personal hair stylist will offer you the option of building up a separate zone, but such details need to be agreed upon only after a personal consultation.


Finally, hair extensions to hide the foci of alopecia can have the opposite effect: already weak hair will begin to fall out even more intensively, which will result in total baldness.
We hope that we have helped you understand the contraindications of hair extensions, and now you know whether you should do this procedure or not. If you are still not sure that she will not harm you, consult your own hair stylist, who will examine the condition of your hair and make a more informed conclusion. As for high-quality natural Slavic hair extensions, you can always contact us.
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